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香港中旅社與水上飛機(香港)航空正式簽署合作備China Travel Service & Seaplane HK formally signed a MOU

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

香港中旅社與水上飛機(香港)航空正式簽署合作備忘錄 ,標誌著戰略合作正式開啟,將為水上飛機(香港)航空進一步擴展其國內市場業務提供助力。雙方的合作將首先圍繞聯合營銷推廣等市場舉措展開,根據雙方簽署的合作協議,水上飛機(香港)航空將重點依托中旅社廣泛且雄厚的國內網絡,深入發掘市場潛力, 打造高質文化旅遊 。

China Travel Service Hong Kong and Seaplane Hong Kong formally signed a memorandum of cooperation, marking the official start of strategic cooperation, further assisting Seaplane Hong Kong to further expand its Chinese domestic market business. The strategic partnership will first focus on market initiatives such as joint marketing and promotion. According to the cooperation agreement signed by both parties, Seaplane Hong Kong will rely on the extensive and strong domestic network in Mainland China to explore in-depth market potential and create high-quality local cultural tourism.


Furthermore, China Travel Service Hong Kong will use Seaplane Hong Kong world's first UAM passenger lines in Hong Kong and the seaplane route network in the Greater Bay Area to continue to advance its internationalization strategy and create a more abundant supply to meet the growing domestic travel market. With the increasing demand of customers for personalized travel experience, this cooperation will help China Travel Service to introduce a series of unique and diversified travel products and domestic sustainable and green travel options.

對於這項諒解備忘錄的簽署,水上飛機(香港)航空行政總裁STEVEN CHEUNG表示:“身為一間以港為家的香港地區性航空公司, 國內市場對水上飛機(香港)航空來講十分重要。我們很榮幸與中旅社建立合作夥伴關係以助力實現我們的大灣區發展戰略。我們繼續會向全球推廣香港及大灣區作為全球最佳宜居宜業宜遊的地方。這是一個激動人心的時刻,我們將掀開全球航空業歷史發展的新篇章。基於過去所取得的成功,我們將繼往開來,推進紮實的發展戰略並進一步提升銷售業績。在踏上全新增長快行道之際,與中旅社的合作意味著我們找到了正確的戰略合作夥伴以攜手達成我們的業務目標。

Seaplane Hong Kong Chief Executive STEVEN CHEUNG said: "As a Hong Kong technology and aviation start-up, the mainland market is very important to Seaplane Hong Kong. We are honoured to establish a partnership with China Travel Service to help us realize our development strategy in the Greater Bay Area and beyond. We will continue to promote Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area as the best place to invest, study, work, live and travel. This is an exciting time. We will open a new chapter in the historical development of the global aviation industry. Based on the past successes, we will be carrying on the past, advancing a solid development strategy and further improving sales performance. As we embark on a new fast track of growth, the cooperation with China Travel Service means that we have found the right strategic partner to jointly achieve our business goals.

香港中國旅行社成立於1928年,是香港第一家由中國人開辦的旅行社,是香港規模最大的旅遊機構之一。由國務院國有資產監督管理委員會履行出資人職責的中央企業,為香港的四大駐港中資企業之一 ,旨在 發揚國光,服務行旅,闡揚名勝,致力貨運,推進文化,以服務大眾為已任 。

Founded in 1928, China Travel Service Hong Kong is one of the first travel agency and one of the largest travel agencies in Hong Kong, a state-owned enterprise managed directly by the State Council. It is one of the four major Chinese-funded enterprises in Hong Kong.


As a regional startup with the world's first automated passenger drone route and the seaplane in Hong Kong, Seaplane Hong Kong is committed to providing the world and the growing number of passengers in the Greater Bay Area with a green and sustainable flight experience. Its unique electric passenger drone and aircraft highlight Seaplane Hong Kong' unremitting pursuit of redefining the travel experience and focusing on innovation.

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