We are proud to announce SeaplaneHK will be the Headline Sponsor of the JCI (Junior Chamber International) Hong Kong North District 30th Silver Tongue Contest. Every year the award attracts outstanding young people across Hong Kong to participate in the competition. This year's theme is to build dreams, resilience thru adversity, and spreading positivity, which resonates with the founding aim of SeaplaneHK.
我們很榮幸地宣布,SeaplaneHK將成為JCI北區青年商會第30屆金口獎的主要贊助商。 該獎項每年吸引全港傑出青年參加比賽。今年的主題是築夢,逆境自強,傳播正能量,剛剛是水上飛機(香港)航空的創立宗旨。